
Friday, January 2, 2015

Rebirth Of Mr Awesome

My god this blog is still alive?

First of all, yes, im sorry for bailing out on this review blog for over a year or so, im so caught up on different things that took up most of my time, like watching SKET Dance for example(great anime, i reccomend it) and besides...i have Mrs Awesome now.

But this doesnt mean that my passion for reviewing movies have extinguished!, especially in its prime! 2015 is just ahead of us, there will be many memorable movies to watch, to understand its meanings and of course TO REVIEW!!. With that said, im officially re-launching this blog, Happy Re-Birthday! and for my readers(if i had any) im sorry for leaving you guys like a rotten chinese take-out, i regret leaving this blog,i really am.

You guys gotta believe me here

To make up for my disappearing act, i will be uploading content weekly, 2 articles per week in minimum! Meaning that, in one week, i will at least post 2 articles, not limited to movie reviews however, and as for movie reviews, i will try to do 1 recently released-box office movies once per-2 weeks, and as for other reviews...

I wanna get creative, i want to talk about movies and give my honest opinion toward them, for future posts, i will review older movies and not tied to the shackles of reviewing only freshly released movies, i hope you guys are okay with that, and dont worry, reviews of fresh movies are still being churned out, after all it is my roots haha!

One last thing, im renaming this blog,no not because of formality or tradition that every rebirth child must be given new names or shit like that, but because i will post articles about things that dont have any relation to movies, like for example:
-Short Stories
-Social Commentaries
-Opinions on pop culture
-Other shit
With that said, i officially declare this blog's name into!: "That Awesome Guy And His Shades, Movie Reviews And Other Stuffs"creative right? i know, i know

Im looking forward to the growth of this blog(even though i bailed out of it) im also super excited about the movies in 2015! so many big players are showing off their guns; Star Wars 7, Avengers 2, Mockinjay part2, and friggin ANT-MAN!! i cant wait!

Changes are going to happen, things are about to get big, and shit is about to get real. Stay tuned for more people, Mr Awesome is coming your way!

iya gue indonesia,masalah? gue juga bakal post yang bahasa indo kok nanti


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