
Saturday, June 28, 2014

Gift From Mr Awesome

Hello Mr Awesome here,i'm terribly sorry that i have not been able to update my blog and give any new reviews, but worry not for today is a new day,and to redeem myself in today's post i will review 5 movies IN ONE POST,albeit in the forms of mini-reviews i will also explain why the particular movie is worth watching or not,excited? so am i, and keeping with the tradition of naming my blog segments with awesome and edgy titles, this segment will be further titled...

5 Reviews In One

A.K.A The Writer's Lazy Excuse For A Post!

Enough chit chat then, lets trounce ourselves to our first review


While Angelina Jolie's acting and character as maleficent managed to entertain the audience for a big duration of the movie, it does not save or hold the rest of the movie with its wings, with boring visuals that does not bring anything new to the table instead taking "inspiration" from other movies, notably the LOTR saga, and the story is simply not interesting enough for me to care about the characters, maybe except Maleficent herself, this movie predictably falls in the forgotten realms of washed up Disney movie reboots. And damn they've ruined a classic, i loved the original sleeping beauty, and you should too, that movie is good

Final Score: 5/10

Watch It?: Well if you like Angelina Jolie, this is one of her most interesting actings, but trust me its not worth it, You Shouldn't Watch It.
What Should I Watch?: The original Disney animation, Sleeping Beauty

22 Jump Street

Yeah, i don't really review comedy movies, but the movie is funny as hell though

Final Score: Something Cool!/10
Watch It?: Yeah, definitely watch it man, bring some friends.

How To Train Your Dragon 2

Dreamworks have once again scored a success in this fine gem, with visuals and animation that left the audience with a sparkling gaze and a jaw-dropping awe, and not to mention the musical scores, simply outstanding, a fine achievement, the only problem i have with this movie is the length and plot, this movie have some serious pacing issues with the climax rushed into the movie and strangely felt out-of-place, the villain although menacing in performance is not well-developed, there is a slight backstory explained but not dug upon further, such a shame.

Final Score: 8.5/10

Watch It?: Well if you love gorgeous animation, you definitely should,its worth your while i promise.

Transfomers 4: Age Of Extinction 

What the fuck do we expect from a Michael bay movie?, although this has got to be the most Michael bay movie of all time, american flags, explosion, weird racism, all thrown in one shit platter made by a guy who probably masturbate to explosions, oh and one more thing, i actually planned to review this movie on a video, which i will upload this month, if the video doesnt show up, then it will be a transformers review like usual, cheerio

Final Score: America, Fuck Yeah/10

Watch it?: Bring lots of beer,you poor son of a bitch

The Fault In Our Stars

I absolutely loved The Fault In Our Stars, the book i mean, and to quote Augustus, if this book was a girl i'll take her to vegas and marry her, but as maybe every fan would say to the movie, The book is better,obviously. The book handles Hazel's character better, in this movie hazel was somewhat less likeable,despite shanille woodley's natural charm, and the movie took almost too much content from the book, cutting at least one pivotal character, but the movie does kept the books initial premise, and i'm proud to admit that i cried during the movie, yeah I AM A MAN AND I CRIED DURING A MOVIE,IS THAT A PROBLEM?

Final Score: 7/10

Watch It?:Yes, this movie is not your typical romance movie nor your typical cancer movie,its different, you'll see.

And we are done!! No need to thank me,for i as a critic it is my job,and bashing Michael Bay is on my resume, Cheers and stay awesome, and wait for the video kay!

Friday, May 30, 2014

X- MEN Days Of Future Past Review

What else can I say about the one of the most anticipated movie of 2014, of course it blew everyone’s minds, with the tone of the movie set and delivered perfectly, this is definitely Bryan singer’s greatest “franchise fixer”

At first, me not being an X-men fan and not knowing anything about X-MEN lore, was a bit skeptical, I didn’t really follow the X-MEN trilogy(thankfully) the only X-MEN movie I watched was “First class”, my biggest fear about this movie is that it would not appeal to non-X men fans such as myself, possibly making us dumb-founded throughout the movie, but thankfully my fear was banished after seeing the movie, it provides a quite easy to follow storyline, didn’t threw too many characters that we(non X-MEN readers) are not familiar with, and keeping the original cast too, both from the X-MEN trilogy and First Class.

The story is based from the popular comic book series with the same name, and I’m using the word “based” very loosely here, the movie didn’t follow the comic book story at all, even switching the protagonist and demoting the original protagonist to a mere extra (sorry Kitty Pryde) I understand that they want to use wolverine as a protagonist because the character is relate-able (it’s basically what people would picture when we say ”X-MEN movie”) but that is not a great excuse to reduce Kitty’s role in the story-line, seriously how many screen time does the women get? 10-15 minutes? Come on,

"Yeah youre pretty much a Deus Ex Machine in this one Juno"
But beside that minor nitpick the movie remains faithful to the comics, and didn’t made too many drastic changes that may destroy the movie’s tone, on the contrary it made it better, for example, The story is set in a bleak future where humanity is killed by mutant-hunting robots called Sentinels (note that this is one the darkest storylines in the X-MEN timeline) instead of using the normal version of sentinels, which is a big robot can easily be defeated with strong mutants, this version is a adapting robot predator, and can easily dispatch even the strongest mutant, this version is better because it set the bleak, dark and hopeless tone of the future, whenever the sentinels show up the characters realize that they can’t stop it, delay them maybe but not stop them, and this is very well delivered with the scores and visuals presented in the movie, it shows a perfect re-creation of desperation, hopelessness and death, it became one of the movie’s strongest suit.

          Speaking of tones, the movie really did a good job of delivering and convincing those, when the movie wants to be funny and quirky, they can be, and when to movie wants to deliver a powerful message through conversation, they can, and when the movie wants to be deep, they can, without making it cheesy and/or campy and also managed to wrap the audience in said scenes leaving them in awe, I’m not going to spoil those scenes, it’s a better experience and understanding when you watch it yourself, when you finally watch it you’ll get my point, really visuals and scores are this movie’s strongest weapon, not just the deep scenes, the action scenes too especially the action scenes, the action is fast paced but also easy to follow, complex but not confusing, a perfect balance that may not rival the scenes is “Amazing spider man 2” but doesn’t wait too long to throw us into the action.

            The acting is superb, enough said, with the likes of Sir Patrick Stewart, Sir Ian Mckellen, Hugh Jackman and newcomers James Mcavoy, Michael Fassbender, and fan favorite Jennifer Lawrence what can go wrong? The conversation in the movie is well written and the actors are handling their respective characters well, even the accent is a little better, so it’s natural that they delivered their lines perfectly without any hammy or campy moments, but really the enviroments and tone speaks much more than the characters itself, and it’s a good thing in this case.

And Also Bromance!

Well this movies begins a fresh new start for the X-men franchise, made the X-MEN movies awesome again and finally erased those godawful trilogies, and sets a great path for future installments and I as a critic,audience and a new fan is finally interested in X-MEN lore and cant wait for X-Men: Apocalypse.


Translate: Filmnya bagus,aktingnya keren,visualnya realistis banget dan ceritanya juga bagus,engga ribet,nonton sana.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Bonus Round

Under Pressure
This is yet another new segment of my beloved blog, Bonus Round! this is a spot where i talked, deduce,review or find a meaning in my favorite things, be it a song, a game, or obviously a movie, this is of course not restricted on reviews only, this is just a spot where i talked about my favorite things, with that said today lets talk about Queen's Under Pressure!

Under pressure by Queen and David Bowie,still remains a high spot on my list of favorite songs,not only a great song and musical masterpiece the song also harbors a deep and conveying message,As anyone can hear this song is about being pressured,but who is being pressured,by whom? Why? How? Let me explain, this song has many interpretations,I’m going to explain it in my opinions and thoughts.
This song is about being different in society and the pressure of living so,(pressing down on me!),and many people too (pressing down on you),this song could be a love letter to socially shunned societies(homosexuals,black people etc) in America by Freddie telling them that there are many people out there that are struggling too,and they are not alone.

This song also tells how the people’s lives are destroyed by said pressure as seen on the lyrics(second row),many people struggled and wants to be accepted desperately (watching some good friends screaming “let me out!”),but they still have their spirits high despite all that.
As the song went on,the people kept their spirits but they knew they are destroyed and gloomy inside,sure there are some people who cares for them,but they knew it was fake(Keep coming up with love but it’s so slashed and torn)
As the song reached its climax,the people started to crack under pressure(why? Why? Why?) and almost made insane by pressure (Insanity laughs under pressure we’re cracking),then they finally shouted and asks the society why can’t they accept them and give them a chance (Can’t we give love one more chance?) and then the society answers that love is old-fashioned(Love is an old fashioned word) and ignorance have consumed them,if they give love one more chance they are afraid that they may care for each other(loves dares you to care for the people on the edge of the night) and maybe themselves(love dares you to change our way of caring about ourselves),thus causing them to be shunned too,they finally make peace and gave them one last chance (this is our last dance) the people then tells them about their story when they are under pressure to the society (this is ourselves,under pressure)
Well according to my interpretation that is the story that the song tells them,by the time the song was made there was a strong resentment against several societies so the song fits the theme,but even nowadays the song itself still holds a relevant and great points to some problems that may surface,for example this song can be linked to bullying and racial violence among others,with a strong message and great tune,lyrics,beat everything,Its obvious that I as a critic,fan and audience absolutely loves this song and put it in one of my favorite songs,cheers and stay awesome.

Writer's note: Next week,akhirnya gue bakal ngelakuin review berbahasa indonesia pertama juga, yaitu review marmut merah jambu, so please read it okay

A Blank Page, Are Videogames High Art

From the earliest year of 1980 to this very day, videogames as an art form remained as one of the most debated topic in the world, there is even a high chance that maybe some people are debating it in this very minute, many art critics have joined and stated their opinion of this seemingly never-ending debate, a highly regarded critic Roger Ebert even once stated that “a videogame could never be art”, another stated that “ a game is fun, it is obvious,  why does it have to be more than fun?”  , and I respectfully disagree with those statements, because when you want to talk about art, you have to define it first, art in the simplest definition is “ Work of creativity in the human mind” by this definition we can definitely conclude that videogame are, in fact art, but the many of the critics and gamers that have debated the topic for so long is, “Are videogames high art?”, first, we have to establish the definition of high art, the most popular definition is “ A work of creative mind that created a long-lasting and emotional experience that said audience enjoyed” according to that definition I can state that, videogames do have the factors high art such as: beauty, story and most importantly  interaction, with these factors videogames have the right to be compared to other masterpieces in other medias of art.

Roger Ebert,one of the most respected critics in the world
When discussing arts, one of the most standpoints of art are visuals, usually people regarded a work of art in any media by their beauty, well as we know the visuals is one of the first things that people regard of an art form, how beautiful it is, how colorful it is, people often regard the visuals first and in videogame it is not an exception, as the wonders of technology went on and become more and more advanced, videogames too are getting more stunning to look at, no matter which direction the game took, realism, surrealism, fantasy, sci-fi, anything it will be guaranteed that it would look astonishing, even beating centuries old paintings in visuals, one of the greatest example of this is The Bioshock Franchise , the game is set at an underwater city and a sky city,  and the visuals are simply breathtaking, the visuals somehow managed to immerse players in the beauty and the horror of the setting (this is a horror game, mind you) making the world look realistically real, and made even the greatest painter stand speechless,  another great factor that videogame have is the music, while anyone knows that music is a whole different media of art altogether, the purpose of music and its function in videogames itself may vary, we have heard of astonishing music before, we heard music that moved our hearts and produce a single tear in our eye, but combine them with stunning visuals and an immersive world? One must have the opinion that regards this as a high art, music in videogames tell us what to feel, makes us tense, creates a spirit of adventure for us and accompanies our journey in game that somehow also made us wanting to never leave, one of the best example of this is The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, this is also one of the most regarded and praised videogames of all time, an adventure game with a gigantic world for players to explore and experience, the music is responsible to made the atmosphere of the world, creating an spirit for new and exciting adventures, captivate the players in the world and made an even emotional impact in the story. We all have heard of the power of music, and videogames have used that advantage since a long time ago.

Yes, ladies and gentleman this is a game
Story, people say that every art form tells a story, whether it is deliberate, interesting or surreal, every art tells a different story, the story is a core point in videogames and movies, but what does made story so stand out in videogames that almost defeats movies? Simple, limitation and immersion, for you see, What makes a world feel real is the little things , the overheard conversations, the emails, the informative brochures, while movies presents a plot, a character and a setting, it does not present exploration, in videogames sure you are presented with a character and story but the different is that, we can just abandon the main plot and explore the world, with the visuals and music factors I have stated, it is easy that a player can be immersed in the videogames world and discover more of the delicate story and love the game more, yet another example of this is GTA 5 the world’s size is gigantic, even considered too big, this game supports exploration and with great visuals and music, the world captivated many players and marked a great experience in their memories,  another sign of high art, stories have a meaning, a deep meaning, a double meaning, a great criticism, it depends on the perception of the audience, in such games is not all about shooting, funs and games, there are games that covered serious stories and criticism too, and even teach you something about yourself, yes games are capable of making us a better person, by sheer experience alone, there are too many games to list on this example unfortunately.
One of the examples
This is the sole factor that made games are debatable in art form, the one that started it all, Interaction, the factor that made games stood out beneath others, a lot of people say that interaction and choices is what defined games, like I wrote before in the last paragraph, you can ignore the plot and do what you want, but on another note, the choices that we made throughout the game affect our experience too, for example  is The Walking Dead Game it is also one the most praised games of all time, there are choices that are presented throughout the game, it basically defined the game, our choices made the experience because in the made, we made the story, we participated in the art, we interacted with the creators the greatest artists, you see, want to communicate in the most popular media of the time, they want to be heard. That's why Shakespeare wrote for the lice-ridden but packed theatres of London, that's why Bertolt Brecht collaborated with Fritz Lang to bring his theories to Hollywood, that's why Dickens and Dumas had their novels serialised in magazines. Video games are now a language and language is a tool of expression and change. A bit like art, yes?

Pictured: Choices
By everything that I have presented, I believe that videogames are great forms of art, and respectfully compared to such masterpieces as the monalisa itself, maybe in this time the people may not recognize it,but as time went on I believe they eventually will.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The Amazing Spiderman 2 Review And Thoughts

A great step-up from the first movie with great effects,great music and great acting chemistry,this movie proves to be a superior and fun super-hero movie.

This movie evaluates and succeeds itself from past mistakes with loads of new and interesting characters and plotline,the most distinctive changes from the sequel is the visual,the visual is downright gorgeous and the musics that accompanies the visual and scenes made the world look real enough to captivate audiences,and the slow mo? Simply outstanding,the visual that are delivered in this movie gave the movie a unique style and differentiate this movie from the great MCU and (surprisingly) its a good thing,

A fight sequence in the movie

But on the other side these visuals that made the movie stand out came late,almost 1.5 hour into the movie they are presented,that is almost too long into the movie,given its mega screen time of 147 minutes,albeit all that the cgi is a bit messy and were not that great fortunately though i think the visual sequences are too satisfying that maybe some of the audinece didn't notice and its also worth the wait and kept me wanting more and more.

As you know in this movie is packed with super villains mainly electro and and green goblin,with side villain rhino,the sinister six references and even the (eventual)spider slayer and black cat,this is the main problem with story in my opinion,in their initial presentation,electro was supposed to be their main focus and the second plot being green goblin tied together with the grand "oscorp" plot,which is good
The movie's main villains

Speaking about oscorp though i love the initial aura of the oscorp,the grip and power of oscorp as a big evil corperation was really well delivered,something that was not easily done,given how the trope is overdone,back to the story,although i loved jamie foxx's electro character and acting(i mean jamie foxx as lab nerd?priceless)
Pictured: Nerd

The character is not well-developed and confusing,his origin story and especially his goals are almost laughable and absurd,this character is confusing,what are his goals? first he wanted attention then he wants everyone to feel like him,living in a world of absurd,this "goals" of his is one of the most tired cliches of movie history and honestly expected more from this movie,he unfortunately is like a throwaway villain in this movie,an attention crazy lightning man doesnt really scream "memorable super villain" to me, but i love foxx's hamminess enough to entertain me throughout the movie,and every time he shows up dubstep happens,dubstep lightning powers,think about it for a sec
Not Pictured: Lightning Dubstep
Given that i cant really bash him too much(dubstep!) but i for me the greatest performance,right after spidey and gwen,must be danny dehaan's role of harry osborn,his banter with peter and role of a dying millionare,betrayed by his own company is perfect,a great chemsitry between actors,brilliant character and acting and made james franco's new goblin look like a b-list villain,though his screen time is pretty short for a build-up through out the netire movie,that short sequence led the one of the important moments in the movie,Gwen stacy's death,green goblin stuck around maybe until the next several movie,which is great beacuse he is a successful sympathetic villain and i want more from his performance and seeing him as a green goblin again,a memorable villain in a soon-to-be epic franchise.

Goblin Post Transformation
And of course the highlight of the movie is the relationship between peter and gwen and it works perfectly,the chemistry is there and i felt like i seeing a real couple facing real problems,even though they mostly dominated the screen time through out the movie,the scenes never tired out,and actually made the audinece care about their relation ship,which made gwen's death so shocking(at least for non-comicbook readers)and made all the nerds in the theater weep a bit,this is also helped by the fact that they are real couples in real life,and the main actor, Andrew Garfield actually can be a great spiderman,a wonderful potrayal of spiderman and i dare say,on par with tobey maguire's potrayal or maybe even more,when he's spiderman he can be fun,qupping and throwing one-liners when he's peter he can be romantic,serious,sad and friendly,a good choice of casting is the main factor the movie works,
The initial couple

Okay good things aside though,the factor and made the movie stumble is the story,i said that the acting is great but that doesnt mean the story is great either,its okay but the movie itself lacks focus,at first they want to focus on electro's origins but partways thru the movie the movie switch focus to oscorp,i get that they want to further deep down on oscorp,that's okay,but how everything is connected to oscorp is almost not believable,and how the goblin and electro met is done in a way that looked like a last second wrap up and felt rushed,the movie obviously have pacing problems,yes movie i loved harry's role but that doesnt mean that his origin story and transformation that have been build up through the movie felt so rushed,its okay to wait until the next movie or in the credits scene,we want more is what i'm saying,and what i mostly didnt like is the reveal of peter's dad,richard parker,marc webb tries to replace ben parker and became peter's morale bases,that's great but what are they going to do with ben? What role does he play? Its like they throw ben's role in the first movie,but i digress maybe they have plans for the next movies,maybe taking plots from the clone saga,so we'll just have wait for now,and also this movie builds a franchise for this spider-man universe a move that i thought should be done from the first movie,but its justified though,nobody wants it to be rushed and the wait definetly works,not the deep conspiratic,serious plot like captain america,the movie fullfils it role as fun ride and a great movie/franchise.

Overall the movie was great,although the story didn't made too much sense and have serious pacing issues,the overall style and uniqueness,the effects the music,made us all enjoy this movie,and me as a critic,fan and audience was no different

Cant wait for the sinister six!

Translate: Filmnya lumayan oke cuma ceritanya lemah,kurang greget

Monday, April 21, 2014

A Blank Page. Benny And Mice

Welcome,welcome, this is a segment i like to call "a blank page" why? because this post is usually not movie related,and seeing at the top of the page it reads "MOVIE REVIEWS" this post will be irrelevant to some readers,or you know if i had any. so today we are going to talk and maybe pay some tribute then none other Benny and Mice
Benny and mice are graduates of the arts institute of bandung,from then they started to make sketches and/or comic strips mainly focusing on satirisation on the indonesian social culture most often focusing on comedy bits,they did this for a while until they caught up the attention of the Kompas newspaper agent,after that they work for Kompas  from as early as 2004 drawing newspaper strips focusing on the same topic,satire. they published the strip daily,on the back of the newspaper,turns out that the society loved their tongue-in-cheek satire and bashing of the society and was praised as one of the greatest artist in their bussiness.

A strip from 2006 edition

Not only they made newspaper strips but also comicbooks too, such as "Jalan-jalan ke bali" or complications of their own strips as well, but sadly in  July 2010 the duo of critics have to part their ways as benny decided to pursue his own projects and the strips are now drawn by mice,aptly named Mice Cartoons.

The duo's last strip

Enough about that though,because this post is for tributes so lets get tributin' shall we,from my opinion Benny and Mice is great and brilliant,the same for most people of course,but when people say that they like Benny and Mice they will mostly say because of the humor and their delivery,when in my opinion it's a little deeper than that,what i love from benny and mice is their satire and criticism,most artist may add social commentary or critic on a subtle way,but as you can see, in their strips subtlety is completely thrown out of the window here,they just blantantly draw them,even say it word per word in their strips,an act which several comic strips involving criticism considered it a tough act,obviously seeing the success of benny and mice.

Perhaps why they are so successful lays in their initial delivery,the comic in hand is relate-able to people and the humor itself is usually wrapped in hyperbole or overreacting resulting in a funny reaction,and considering how up to date they are its easy to bash society as we move on,but the feat that they made was really impressive, they made their satire targets actually love their criticism,they love how funny it was and how constructive it was etc etc, and also people are fond to bash easy targets,and the comic strips is like a full warehouse of weapons to bash them,but really the greatest factor is how relate-able the topics are in the strips,its just their signature look. 

In the end even though Benny and Mice parted ways they will still remembered as brilliant and revolutionary characters,and i as a critic,audience and a huge fan will still respect and enjoy their great works and i.m sure many people will still too.Cheers and stay awesome

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Need For Speed Review And Thoughts

Like the bane of almost every videogame movies,this movie will eventually be lost and forgotten

It seems that even pretty visuals cant distract the audience forever from the tired and cliche plot and horrible acting in this movie,it suffers from every complain from a typical videogame movie,not getting the feel of the game itself,and being released on the same week as the hit teen movie Divergent doesnt help,it is a totally expected letdown

But i do have to give the movie credit though,because they actually tried and care for their own movie,not relying on the sheer brand name and cool cars on the movie itself,for example all the car stunts done in the movie are all real, no CGI and no camera manipulation,purely the stuntman's talent and sheer effort,and it really shows too,some visual and effects in the movie are quite stunning and might even distract you from the painful acting and plot although from a short while,this shows that,this movie can be a good stand-alone title without using the Need For Speed name,i really enjoyed the sequence when the car is lifted by the helicopter.

But saying that,these surprising visuals come of as a hidden gems,so little in the movie,just imagine there are a total of 3 races in the movie alone,and it both isn't really that good,when the initial premise of your movie isn't even that good,you have to take a look back for the minute.

The plot and the acting is not even worth the review,its your typical actors,stereotypes and the story too used and predictable,the drama the movie is trying to deliver failed miserably,the is no chemistry and only offer cheap laughs that arent to funny too,if their excuse is that the focus of the movie is the effects and the cool cars,that reason is nonsensical where their main focus fails too.

The movie suffers from the same curse of videogame movies,a lot of audience and critics is already skeptical when the movie is not even released yet,and i as a critic and audience,respected their effort,but totally expected this let down.Cheers and stay awesome.

4.5 out of 10

Damn,i know i should have watched divergent instead.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Captain America: The Winter Soldier Review And Thoughts

This movie in my opinion is one of marvel’s strongest title in the MCU so far,even almost topping The Avengers and that is saying a lot,for everyone knows that even though MCU is a big superhero franchise,they love to jump around in many genres,for example Thor: The Dark World is a fantasy movie,with a dash of space opera thrown in,and the Ironman saga is a political thriller and science fiction movie,Much like Ironman movies, Captain America’s sequel is also a political thriller movie,but done right.

So,why this movie gets to be compared to The Avengers?at least according to me. Because me as a critic,felt the thrill,suspense and excitement the movie is trying to deliver,every plot twist is done charmingly perfect,every time an important moments is being delivered I was on the edge of my seat,totally unexpected from the Captain America Franchise,looking back on its predecessor this sequel is the great follow-up avoiding sequelitis on the process too

We start of the movie with its initial premise,well for the most part,Ol’ captain America trying to cope with the modern era,the sequence following this is beautifully done delivered the charming but grim feel we were supposed to have,but the kicker in the sequence is,The Reunion of Steve Rogers and Agent Peggy carter(yes she is still alive,although very aged),in an almost The Notebook-esque scene(but not as cheesy) is a great scene to start to movie with.

The next plot twist(s) that maybe earned the reputation of the movie is The (Temporary)Death Of Nick Fury and the reveal of hydra compromising S.H.I.E.L.D,the atmosphere of literally no one to trust,with nick fury dead(for the moment) we see captain america trying to scrap whatevery ally he could find,and eventually finding out the truth,this is my favorite part of the movie,no doubt “The Hydra Reveal” that one sequence really placed the movies foot as a great experience for me,the total burst of unexpected plot twist in one single sequence left me totally speechless,dazed and in awe,just like how captain must have felt,bravo movie.

But for every great scene there must have some kind of retribution,for me the reveal that nick fury isn’t dead made the movie loses a lot of steam,i know that they couldn’t possibly kill him,but after that almost everything is predictable,but I do love the implication of this movie though,with S.H.I.E.L.D gone,what will happen to our heroes,what will happen to tony stark? What will happen to black widow with her information is all spread,what’s next? Yes this movie made a unexpected turn in the MCU,a good one of course,and me as a critic,fan and audience can’t wait to see what’s next in the MCU arsenal. Cheers and stay awesome.

Oh and everyone already knows that its bucky,I don’t even have to point it out.

8.5 OUT OF 10